Interior design in short building time

Music­ theater gelsen­kirchen

This musical theater is one of the most important theaters built following the Second World War. Since 1997, it has been listed as a protected monument.

Then as now, the sensational mix of architecture and fine art gives the theater its unique character.

The artists Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely, Robert Adams, Norbert Kricke and Paul Dierkes worked together on the exterior and interior design of this unique musical theater.

The Challenge

Art on the job site and work at high altitude: a renovation of 1,100 square meters acoustic plaster applied at a ceiling height of 10 meters within four weeks was the goal. And with precious art images in the same room that could not be stored externally. The scheduling under such conditions were extremely unfavorable, and therefore challenging.

The Solution

Before the actual renovation could be started, an intensive research to choose the right material was necessary. A smooth logistics coupled with a mobile scaffolding for high ceiling heights and the development of a conservation strategy for the remaining works of art on the site were also necessary.

Within just four weeks, our 1,100 square meter acoustic plaster was applied. This, in spite of the product-specific requirements for up to six operations in which various materials and system components were applied.

forum in musical theater

Special scafolds and rehabilitated areas

Because various trades were simultaneously active and the associated spatial limitations of not only agreement, but also the logistics effort was enormous. Intermediate, mandatory appointments had to be met contractually.

Because of the existing art in the room, additional protective measures for the areas and parts were carried out in order to even install the acoustic system at a height of 10 meters. The solution was, in addition to a well thought out choice of materials and the provision of specialist equipment, the greatest possible mobility of our craftsmen. The result was a high-quality, successful for all involved, construction work.

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  • Construction supervision
  • Material logistics
  • Materials management
  • Painting
  • Special scaffolding
  • Install acoustic system


  • Astrid Theisen